DS100 Series APS

DS100 Series APS units improve crosswalk safety for visually impaired pedestrians. For a broad range of basic functions, the DS100 Series offers great value at reasonable cost.


Features include:
  • Up to 4 Walk “Cuckoo” & “Peep” sounds approved by Transportation Association of Canada and other North    American transportaion authorities.
  • Dynamic Volume Compesation for high audibility.
  • Customized voice messages (optional).
  • Easy Installation – no internal adjustment required.
  • Sound Inhibit or Button Actuated Timer (optional) for noise sensitive areas.

RELIABLE: Advanced electronics offers minimum power compensation and long unattended life. Most adjustments can be made without opening the case. The rugged case shields the components against the elements and the heavy duty locking swivel arm protects connecting cabels from vandalism.

INTELEGENT: Dynamic Proportional Volume Compensation monitors ambient noise level and adjusts output to ensure audibility of signal. Normally present to +5 dB above ambient noise.

NOISE-FRIENDLY: Sound Inhibit (optional) allows the audible signal to be disabled at sensitive periods, during complex traffic phases, or as required.

Button Acuated Timer (BAT) (optional) generates WALK sounds only when needed: Holding the WALK button down for 3 seconds (duration is adjustable) actuates the audible signal to trigger with theWALK visual signal.