Emergency Priority on Demand
Fire and Emergency Rescue operate in chaotic conditions. While it would be utopic to achieve a standard route to an incident, traffic and driver behavior make this a faint possibility. eMVPOD™ is a a cost effective system which is NOT bound by line of site emitters and mounting restrictions. A technology built by traffic control experts.
When getting there quickly is critical!.
Features include:
• Non-intrusive (minimal installation and service).
• No on-street detection equipment required.
• Lowest installation cost.
• Lowest cost to maintain.
• Secure against unauthorized use.
• Real-time remote monitoring (and logging).
• Virtual Detection point setup for easy adjustment.
• Capability to provide real-time positional information to a central dispatch system (AVL).
• Enhanced tactical communication improved by real-time on-board video/VOIP.
• Multi-application; system can be also shared with Transit priority use (TransPOD™) without disturbing effectiveness of EMV needs.
• Capability to utilize positioning system and onboard computer for recording missions for future playback and education.
• Future adaptive capability to modify priority strategy dynamically in real time relative to changing traffic conditions via a software upgrade.
• Capability to work with existing preemption system to add enhanced features (e.g.; add AVL and VOIP to your infrared based preemption system).
Contact Novax for more information on TransPOD™. For full specs download the brochure.
Product Ordering
Contact Novax for ordering information.
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